Breakup Support

When we are in the most pain, we’re the most motivated to change.

Let’s transform your heartbreak into an awesome time of self-discovery and reinvention.

The loss and disappointment physically hurt. You finally had the guts to say you were unhappy. Then the response was, “Okay, maybe we should just breakup.”

You want them to say they’ll fight for the relationship. That you’ll figure this out together. Guess you were wrong. Here you are again. Is this over? Part of you isn’t sure. You think to yourself, “I’m so tired of this.”

And what makes it lonelier is what friend is going to understand? They’ll just say, “Get over it” or “let’s go out” or the “best way to get over someone is to get under someone new.”

But that just doesn’t feel right for you. Because you don’t want to be here again. Something must change.

Let’s regain your confidence.

Finally, let’s discover what can help you totally heal in a way that is more permanent than a Band-Aid.

I can help you figure out how to heal this pain. But we will also start to think about what you really want from a future relationship. And define what you really don’t want in a relationship.

The good news is you’ve got some information; the break-ups showed you what doesn’t work for you.

Let’s dig in! We can get through this together.

Here are some key parts that we’ll look at together:

Step One – Acknowledge the pain, feel it, get support and cope in a healthy way. Finally feel like there is hope again.

Step Two – What are your relationship patterns? Where did these patterns develop? What about your patterns is useful in relationships and what has been harmful?

Step Three – What do you really want and need in relationship? Who are your relationship role models?

Step Four – How can you keep feeling hopeful as you meet new people and date again? We’ll explore who are the people it’s important to walk away from in the dating process and who you should take the leap and commit to.

It’s okay NOT to know what you want right now. We’ll build a roadmap together.

Why do I really need therapy for a breakup?

Great question! A lot of people break up. Stay in relationship. Or stay single.

But staying in a relationship when you’re not happy or fulfilled often becomes impossible. Being in a satisfied, fulfilled relationship takes work. You must know yourself and what you want.

Remember your process is unique! No two people want the same thing in a relationship OR move through a breakup and grief in the same way.

Let’s talk!

It’s easy to take the next step. Go ahead and Schedule a Call at a convenient time. In 15 minutes, you’ll already breathe a big sigh of relief that you’re on your way to feeling better, working through things, and getting support.